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#InspiringContent – Getting your product information right [video]

An inspiring content about product information management and its understanding.

Thanks to GS1 UK for this video!

Description by author:
Good product information is essential to getting products on shelves on stores and online. GS1 standards and services can help you do this – and help you save time and grow sales.

Discover more about GS1 standards: https://www.gs1uk.org/discover

Give us your feedback to understand what is your position about product data/ information!

Marcus G.

#InspiringContent – The Importance of Product Knowledge [video]

An inspiring content about product information management and its understanding.

Thanks to Fig ESSA for this video!

Description by author:
Have you ever been into a shop to buy something only to be disappointed when it is clear none of the assistants can answer your questions simply because they do not know the products? Product knowledge or lack of it makes a huge difference between those who make the sales and those who miss out. Everyone agrees, that without having a good understanding of what you are selling you are going to fail.

Designed and presented by Dr. David Bozward. http://david.bozward.com
Give us your feedback to understand what is your position about product data/ information!

Marcus G.

As a brand, Why shoud I spread my product information with Katalog.world?

Product information are one of the main asset of your product.

It offers ability to find it, to compare and choose it.

A good description of your product is the main element to sell online and offline.

Why offline? because it has to be the truth about your product. A guide and a support for retail people.

The challenge of selling product is about communicate best benefits of a product, to answer a need or not.

Those information are frequently not used enough. And it’s a mass!

Product’s informations are product’s capital! It has to be used as a real asset to improve knowledge about products, specifities and brand.

As a brand, you invest many time and money to develop product more or less complex, you create added value. But, often you’re not exploiting product information and data as a way to improve your sale.

The main challenge on product information is about truth and completeness.

That’s why you need to spread it. Make your product known and do it well!

Katalog.world is the largest catalog in the world focus on what is a product. How can we explain it!

And how can we easily transfer all product’s specificities, without loss of information.

To get more information let’s discover the brand solution for product information management just there.